Eigo Ganbare is an on-going volunteer and time-consuming project. It dedicates itself to giving every student in Japan the opportunity to learn and embrace English. If you choose to make a donation, your support will provide continuous maintenance of this website and enhance the content creation of educational resources that you can implement into your classroom teaching. With great teachers like yourself and your gratitude contribution, students all over Japan can reach their full English-learning potential and be equip to learn about the diverse richness of various cultures in English-speaking countries. Through those, they can broaden their perspective of the world positively and acknowledge the benefits of their education in their own school.
High School Graduation
My ALT from Japan (1997)
Learn more about J-LEAP
(Picture drawn by a JET ALT from Kochi)
As for native-speaking Japanese English teachers who are not accustom to making a donation for an educational purpose, this is your chance! You may share this website to other teachers and to your teaching association. For ALTs, this is your chance as well because during your time in Japan and beyond, the fund being raised through your generous contribution will help improve the quality of English education in Japan, lead Japanese educators to understand the importance of having direct hire/JET ALTs in their schools, and much more. Let's support each other because together, as a devoted team of JTEs and ALTs, we can make a positive difference through the availability of well-thought teaching resources like Eigo Ganbare -- how it strives to meet the needs of the students. So, teachers, what would you like to do?
Well, you can start by ...
1) Sharing it with your friends on social media, such as Facebook, Line, and etc!
But, doing that in person is the best way!!
2) Follow Eigo Ganbare on Bloguru or Facebook Eigo Ganbare Page
3) Support Eigo Ganbare on Patreon, a monthly donation subscription.
You can see a community of supporters!
What is Patreon? Learn more by watching this short video
There Are Other Ways To Contribute
Eigo Ganbare needs YOUR collaborative help such as proofreading, Japanese translation, Japanese proofreading, social media moderators, game/IT developers, "team-teaching" online trainers, and so on. If you like to offer something else, name it! Let's take action. So, go to the "Contact" page and help NOW.
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