The Teacher Portal
Vocabs & Reading
External team-teaching & ICT English resources
English sites: A Fox in Japan | ALTopedia | English WebBook | Let's Teach English || Apps 4 EFL
日本語 sites: eBoard | YouTube 中学英語マスター (New Horizon/Sunshine) | Global Classmates
Speaking Practice & Go Abroad on J-LEAP
* Tomodachi - 教育・交流プログラム | Global Classmates <= Support your students to go on a study abroad!!
A Message for You, Eigo Ganbare Drive, & Class Activities
* Read about MEXT promoting the use of ICT in Japanese schools and with that happening, why not try the Eigo Ganbare Classroom Portal with your students. Moreover, get a G-Suite school account and start using Google Classroom to help you organize digital assignments/activities. Check out App Camp For Girls and Kano World too!!
* Advocate in getting your BOE and your assigned school(s) to partake in a Pen Pal Project. Here's a sample letter and get help from a license teacher from abroad! OR try out Global Classmates - connecting Japanese schools with schools from abroad.
Online Office Suite, Self Training, and ALTing-related
* JALT Publications: Submission from non-JALT members are OK!! || * Join r/ALTinginJapan on Reddit! || * Take free online courses to learn new skills in Digital Making and Computer Science with the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
* Grant for JLPT! For JET program ALTs/CIRs ONLY.
* Go to "Online Office Suite" and check out OnTheHub if your BOE is listed in having their faculty staffs be able to purchase discounted academic software.
Let's bring non-JET and non-government/sister city ALT positions back to direct hire by encouraging the BOEs to use the government Hellowork employment services for foreigners. It's cost efficient for both, the BOEs and the ALTs! In the meantime, check each BOE's website in Nov/Dec for ALT openings and (use Google Translation). Then, share them on r/ALTinginJapan on Reddit. Annual Workplace Health Checks - Every year there are government-sponsored medical check-ups in all schools. Hence, faculty staffs and students are all required to undertake the annual health check. Free consultation for foreign residents - Tokyo | Osaka.
ALTing: 15 minute Break Time!! & Go Experience Japan!!
* JET ALTs, former JET ALTs, and non-JET ALTs are welcome to join the JET Christian Fellowship (JCF).|| Life After the B.O.E. || Play with an interactive Rubik's cube!
* During your break time at your assigned school(s), there's ALTInsider in which you can listen to podcasts of other ALTs sharing their experiences in Japan.
After ALTing
* JALT Job Listings: Includes private schools [ 1 ] [ 2 ], universities [ 1 ] [ 2 ], and etc.
After JET conference and JET program career fair! For current and former JET ALTs/CIRs ONLY. JET number is required to attend.
Career Seminar: LAND Navi Job Hunting: Hellowork || Gaijinpot | Jobs in Japan || Daijob | CareerCross | Japan Work || LinkedIn
Moving Start-up (Domestic/International): KuroNeko || Wire Money Transfer: TransferWise
Learn about the educational and economical benefits of having Google Edu in Japanese public schools! See Google for Education. And, join the Google Educator Group Japan.
Explore Google Expeditions in AR or in VR! Learn more.
(* Teachers and students must login with their school Google G-Suite e-mail address account.)
YouTube Video Clip: Why Google, Microsoft, and Apple Are Fighting For Classrooms!
Support Eigo Ganbare on Patreon - Donate to this project
Eigo Ganbare is dedicated to giving every student in Japan the opportunity to learn and embrace English. It also supports public school JTEs and ALTs in accessing community shared-teaching/self development resources.
Please go to the contribute page and show your support! Thank you!!
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