The English Club Lessons

These group-oriented lessons are tailored for club members to learn about the diverse cultures of English-speaking countries and how their
English skills can be an effective communicative tool for their future. They are divided by school term and members' grade level. If this club is
connected to the school's pen pal project, they may get a chance to experience a LIVE video chat with their classmates' pen pal and more!

Choose the English club lesson that you need below and print it out. There are two types of worksheet size with the front side in English and the backside in Japanese. They come in as B5 size worksheets or as B4 size worksheets. To make the B4 size worksheets, please put the two parts together to form into one front side and if necessary, do again for the backside.

Getting Started...

Teach the English Club members to...
be good friends, be kind, be truthful, be responsible, believe in themselves, have respect for each other, help others, play enjoyably, share, and work together. SMILE!! =)





Enhancing Project-Based Learning at the Core

These English club video projects empower members to construct deep knowledge about a topic as they engage in researching, building, reviewing, performing, and presenting their videos.

School abroad case studyEnglish Club Project-Based Study


1st Term
Club members are divided into groups, but work together as one club doing the same project. This gives them the opportunity to get to know each other.

2nd Term
Club members are divided into groups according by their grade level.



LEARN MORE ABOUT... Skype for Education


3rd Term
Club members are divided by groups, but are back together as one club.

Choose the template that comes with the lesson above. To edit any of these templates, please make sure that you have Microsoft Word or Adobe After Affects.

Club Yearly SyllabusClub Yearly Syllabus

download template

Club Graduation CertificateClub Graduation Certificate

download template

Christmas Greeting E-cardsChristmas Greeting E-cards

download template

Club Album BookClub Album Book

download template

**Many of these lessons were done from 2013 to 2015 and hope these visual examples will inspire teachers at other schools to do these with their students. A rewarding
opportunity with educational benefits!


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