The Pen Pal Lessons

These lessons are tailored for the purpose of exchanging pen pal letters to the school(s) abroad as a cultural immersion experience for Japanese students. They are divided by school term and students' grade level that is integrated with the English classes. Each student is paired up with a student who are studying Japanese. What will your student now think of English? 

Choose the pen pal lesson that you need below and print it out. Then, put them together into a B4 size worksheet. Include the "draft" letter template as well and attach it to each lesson. Bring the Japanese-English dictionaries to class!!

2nd year JHS

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If your students would like to introduce "modern" Japanese culture to their pen pal, here are some examples:
(** These were written by Japanese students and hope they can be an inspiration to other Japanese students learning English.)

Famous PeopleFestivals | J-Pop | Kansai Food | Manga | Japanese TV Shows | Popular Places | Fashion | Kansai-ben

3rd year JHS

When it's time for your 3rd year students to write about a city of a foreign country to their pen pal and explain their interest of that place, here are a few examples written by Japanese students to help them get started:

New YorkHonolulu | Seattle

Questions from abroad! What students ask about junior high schools in Japan. 日本の中学校

International Exchange Events

Your students have the opportunity to use their English to communicate to their pen pal and broaden their understanding of other cultures. But, what would happen if the two schools, a school in Japan and a school abroad, come together for an international exchange event? That experience, a school visit abroad or hosting an international exchange event, would produce positive educational benefits for students, teachers, and the community! Therefore, cooperation and support between the two schools are necessary. So, let’s challenge!

See an example of “an official letter request” for a school abroad to visit a public school in Japan.

Do you hope your students can experience a school visit in the future?




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**Inspired by a head JTE from 2012 who initiated this pen pal project. Overtime, a team of English teachers in Japan and Japanese teachers from abroad made it possible for their students to enjoy learning a foreign language.


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